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The Maytak Audio Story

The love of mixing live sound combined with building things by hand resulted in something extraordinary.

Founded by Gene Maytak, Maytak Audio is the result of an idea years in the making. From a very young age, Gene was always surrounded by music, instruments, and sound equipment. His fathers encouragement to learn how to operate a mixing console quickly ignited his love for mixing live sound.

After more than a decade of working in loud environments and desperately needing some quality hearing protection, Gene started researching the world of IEMs.

Having realized that custom in-ears were made by hand, he knew immediately that there is nothing stopping him from building his own. Before long, he was disassembling old earbuds and tinkering with the electronics, quickly leading to a newfound passion of designing world class IEMs.

At Maytak Audio, we are committed to designing products of the utmost quality, so that you may experience music like never before, whether on stage or off.

about us

Gene Maytak


With over a decade of experience as a live mixing engineer and system tech, Gene set out to build his first IEM. Although the first several pairs were less than ideal, the concept proved successful and a passion for building earphones was ignited.